Auto Loans
90 Day No Payment Option on Auto Loans New to IFCU! Learn More
IFCU offers concierge car purchasing through Enterprise Car Sales
Southern California members can also utilize Auto Expert
IFCU Members can receive a 0.25% discount on their auto loan when they use one of these auto-buying services.
Make life easier on yourself, get pre-approved, then buy the car of your dreams, and finance your new/used auto with Interfaith FCU.
Have your loan with another lender? Compare our rates, you may even save money when you refinance your existing auto loan with Interfaith FCU.
Asset Protection
Interfaith FCU offers Guaranteed Asset Protection (GAP) which protects an automobile owner if their vehicle is totaled when its value is less than the amount owed. GAP is a non-insurance product that covers the “gap” between the vehicle’s value (what your insurance company will pay out) and the amount you still owe on the loan.
Another useful financial tool is Mechanical Breakdown Insurance (MBI) which helps new and used car owners save substantial amounts of money in the event their vehicle breaks down outside its warranty period.
To learn more about these products call 800-245-0433 to speak with lending representative or email
Affordable Auto Insurance
Interfaith FCU members qualify for auto insurance discounts through TruStage® Insurance. Even when your auto loan is not with Interfaith FCU you can obtain insurance for your vehicle through TruStage® simply by being a member of Interfaith FCU.