Members NEW to Interfaith FCU (including those from UM First Choice FCU & Holston Methodist FCU) can self-enroll in Online Banking OR request member services staff set up their Interfaith FCU online access.
Supported Browsers: Most recent versions of Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Apple Safari.
Signing up for Online Banking via the Interfaith FCU website – First time users
Utilize the “Online Banking” button on our home page
Choose “Enroll Now”
Enter 4 pieces of information requested
Follow the prompts to complete enrollment
For assistance with this process call your member services at 800-245-0433 weekdays between 9am-5pm, Pacific Time.
Want the freedom and flexibility to bank on your own time without going into a physical branch? With Interfaith Federal Credit Union’s eBranch online service, you can control your finances from your home, office, or on the go. Wherever you have access to the Internet, eBranch allows access your accounts 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. eBranch Online Home Banking is FREE of charge and available to all Interfaith FCU members.
eBranch offers several convenient tools for managing your financial life:
Verify deposits
Check balances on your loan(s), savings and checking
See which checks have cleared — view both sides and print images for your records
Internally transfer funds within IFCU accounts.
Externally transfer funds between financial institutions (EFT)*
Make loan payments by transferring funds from your Interfaith FCU deposit account to your loan(s)
Print e-Statements instead of receiving paper statements via mail
Set up custom alerts to be notified of specific activity on your account or when your balance drops below a certain amount
If you are already using eBranch, you may access login here. If you need assistance with eBranch access reach out to member services at 800-245-0433.
*For more information on electronic funds transfers (EFT) go to this page.
We are pleased to offer home banking services via the internet. Delivering these services requires a solid security framework that can protect you and our institution from outside intrusion. The information below summarizes our security framework, which incorporates the latest proven technology. A section at the end also summarizes your responsibilities as a user of the home banking system with regard to security.
There are several levels of security within our security framework. User Level deals with cryptography and Netscape’s Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol, and is the first line of defense used by all members accessing our Home Banking Server from the public Internet. Server Level focuses on firewalls, filtering routers, and our trusted operating system. Host Level deals specifically with our home banking and the processing of secure financial transactions.
User Level
There are several components of User Level security that ensure the confidentiality of information sent across the public Internet. The first requires your use of a fully SSL-compliant browser such as Netscape Navigator or Microsoft Internet Explorer. SSL is an open Protocol developed by Netscape that allows a user’s browser to establish a secure channel for communicating with our Internet Server. SSL utilizes highly effective cryptography techniques between your browser and our server to ensure that the information being passed is authentic, cannot be deciphered, and has not been altered en route. SSL also utilizes a digitally signed certificate which ensures that you are truly communicating with the Home Banking Server and not a third party trying to intercept the transaction.
After a secure connection has been established between your browser and our server, you then provide a valid User ID and Security Code (PIN) to gain access to the services. This information is encrypted, and a request to log on to the system is processed. Session time-outs, a limit on the number of logon attempts, and special browser caching techniques are examples of other security measures in place to ensure that inappropriate activity is prohibited at the User Level.
Server Level
All transactions sent to our Home Banking Server must first pass through a filtering router system. These filtering routers automatically direct the request to the appropriate server after ensuring the access type is through a secured browser and nothing else. The routers verify the source and destination of each network packet, and manage the authorization process of letting packets through. The filtering routers also prohibit all other types of internet access methods at this point. This process blocks all non-secured activity and defends against inappropriate access to the server.
The Home Banking Server is protected using the latest and most powerful firewall platform. This platform defends against every kind of system intrusion and effectively isolates all but approved customer financial requests. The platform secures the hardware running the home banking applications and prevents associated attacks against all systems connected to the Home Banking Server.
Additional measures to ensure the security of information involve the separation of server applications from host data. This means that information of value does not physically reside in the Home Banking Server. Logging of security information occurs at all times and there is always a backup of the information logged about every attempt made to access the system. These security logs allow us to constantly monitor for a wide range of anomalies and to determine if attempts have been made to breach our security framework.
Host Level
After passing through the Home Banking Server, the transaction is sent via secure dedicated communication lines to our Transaction Server which verifies member identity. Once authenticated, the member is allowed to process authorized home banking transactions using host data.
User Responsibilities
While we continue to evaluate and implement the latest improvements in Internet Security technology, users of the home banking system also have responsibility for the security of their information and should always follow the recommendations listed below:
Reclaim your time and decrease your stress by eliminating the process of writing out and mailing checks for each of your routine bills. Every Interfaith Federal Credit Union member has access to our online Bill Pay system. Schedule routine payments or submit variable monthly payments with just a few clicks of your mouse. What used to take hours can now be accomplished in a matter of minutes. You will save on postage as well! Interfaith FCU Bill Pay is free when used monthly.
Interfaith Federal Credit Union is proud to offer eStatements as an alternative to printed, mailed monthly statements. eStatements reduce paper clutter and confusion, as well as reduce your impact on the environment. Because eStatements are stored securely online, they can be easily accessed whenever you need them (for up to a year prior) and you receive them immediately when statements are released, instead of waiting for them to arrive in the mail! Yet another benefit includes helping keep your personal financial information safe from thieves who may compromise your mail.
Keep your financial statements safe and organized, sign up for eStatements today! All you have to do is log in to eBranch and opt-in for eStatements! If you have any questions or need assistance, please call your member services at 800-245-0433. If you choose to receive BOTH electronic AND mailed paper statements there is a $2.00 fee.
When logged in to your account look for “Card Management” to use these options and more:
Activate Card
Turn card on and off
Report card lost or stolen
Order replacement cards
Set spending limits
Set spending alerts
Add travel notifications
Restrict international use
Interfaith FCU mobile banking and depositing allows you to manage your accounts on the go from your Smartphone! Our Interfaith FCU Mobile App for Android and iPhone devices provides updated features, security and flexibility.